
Also Starring:
Tom Martin

Julie Martin

Alice Martin

Michael Martin

Robert Martin

Tina Patridge

Bryan Partridge

Written By:
SOAP: The Alternate Reality Main Page

Episode 30

In the last episode of SOAP we found out that Maggie may not be on the same side of the law that she used to be as she pulled a gun up to Jodie in front of Carol. Eunice returned home in hopes to take back Dutch but Dutch revealed to her that he was busy with another woman, Gwen. But more importantly. What about those Martins? Where have they been? Well if you must know stay tuned for tonights episode of SOAP!
Martins House
<Tom and Julie are sitting in their bedroom. Tom puts his head on Julies stomach. Julie is 3 months pregnant.>

Tom: I think I heard a kick!

Julie: That was just my hunger. I think I'm going to go downstairs and get a rack of lamb.

Tom: Julie, I really think you've eaten more than enough. I mean you ate a whole meal by yourself the Tates and Campbells couldn't finish combined!

Julie: It's my cravings what can I say.

Tom: Well I have something to tell you. Since Alice has finally returned home and is starting to drop her adopted nonsense I think it's safe for the family to take a vacation.

Julie: Really?

Tom: Yea. In the hot sun. Where we will have some nights alone in our room. Just the two of us. When we can make the lights go low, play our favorite songs and just not worry about the children.

Michael (Screaming from downstairs): MOOOOOOOM!!!!! The milk is bad and Robert is making me drink it!

Robert: He put a moldy piece of bread up my nose!

Alice: Where's my ice cream? I'm gone for two days and someone takes my ice cream. I'm not happy!

Tom: How about I get changed and we all take a trip to the local mall. We can go shopping for food and I can take a trip to the travel agent and book us a vacation.

Julie: But we were having such a nice conversation.

Tom: Well the kids won't ever shut up.

Julie: I'm expecting a specific phone call from the doctors tonight. I can't go.

Tom: We'll have Alice stay home and take messages for us. She's old enough and how long could we possibly be at the mall?

Julie: Good point. There are a lot of stuff I want to buy to eat there.

Tom: Of course.....

Local Shopping Center, Inside the supermarket
<Tom comes in with tickets in his hands. Julie and the kids are all walking around with their own shopping carts. Tom goes to Julie.>

Tom: I got the tickets.

Julie: Where are we going?

Tom: It's a surprise. Just wait until everyone is here. We're not going to go for five months anyways.

Julie: That's a little close to my pregnancy Tom.

Tom: We will be just fine.

Julie: Well I need to find the rest of the food. I've barely covered my list.

Tom: Do we really need strained beets?

Julie: I like them.

Tom: And the mashed peas.

Julie: They are a good snack.

Tom: Wheat flavored butter spread?

Julie: I once had a craving for it.

Tom: You're turning into the Chester Tate of food. If it's edible, you'll eat it.

<Julie gives Tom a look. Michael and Robert start fighting and Julie and Tom hurry over there to try breaking up the argument. They can't hear the speakersystem that's announcing the stores closing in five minutes. They continue to argue as the lights go off.>

Tom: The lights are out.

Robert: I think they closed the store.

Julie: They wouldn't leave a customer locked in a store.

Michael: Well I would hope not.

<Tom starts walking around and leaves the story to go down the malls hallway. Every store is closed and he tries leaving the mall but the doors are locked.>

Tom: Kids, Julie. Lets leave the food here. We need to head over to Eastern Mountain Sportswear on the Second Floor. They have good sleeping beds for our overnight stay.

Martins House
<Alice is reading a magazine when the doorbell rings. She answers the door. A man and a lady come in.>

Tina: I told you Bryan that it was her!

Bryan: Hi Alice! That is what they call you right?

Alice: Ummmm yea.

Bryan: Great! So I'm very curious. How is it in the suburbs?

Alice: I guess it's cool.

Tina: Do you have any idea who we are?

Alice: Am I supposed to?

Bryan: Yes I believe you should. Sit down Alice. We have a story to tell you.

Eastern Mountain Sportswear
Michael: We will never get out of here!

Tom: Of course we will. See there's an exit door. It has to be open.

<Tom starts walking to the exit when a motion sensored robot comes up to him. Tom runs back.>

Julie: What is it?

Tom: Robots! They are patrolling the store. If they spot me the alarms will go off and we might be arrested for accused robbery.

Robert: We didn't rob anything!

Tom: The police won't know or believe us!

Julie: Well we know there's no robot near the grocery store. I think I'm going to get myself some food. I'm getting a craving for....eel.

Michael + Tom + Robert: EEL????

Julie: What is there anything wrong with that?

Tom: No absolutely nothing. Meet me back here in an hour. Kids you can wander off. Don't steal, graffitit, or tamper anything! And make sure you don't get caught by a robot!

Michael: Don't worry dad!

Store Julie is sidetracked into...
Julie: I love these $0.94 stores!

Julie: I've never seen pots and pans so cheap! OH!

<Julie sees some marbles.>

Julie: I bet Alice would love these for her collection. I'm going to take some money out of my purse to re-emburse the store.... (GASP!)

<A robot comes up to Julie at the entrance of the store and is flashing red lights onto her. Julie runs from the robot before the siren goes off and races down the escalator of the mall.>

Another Section of the Mall
<Julie comes running to Tom.>

Tom: Julie what's the matter? Are you okay?

Julie: I'm fine. It's just a robot found me and its alarm almost went off!

Tom: Well I think you are fine with me.

Julie: I don't think so!!! Here's another robot!

<The robot comes up to them and it's light is flashing.>

Julie: I have an idea Tomas!

<Julie takes the marbles and rolls them on the ground. The robot slips and falls. Its crashes its hard drive from the fall. Robert and Michael run up to Tom and Julie scared.>

Michael: Look more robots are coming!!!!

<Robots are patrolling from store to store. A bigger robot comes up to the Martin family and it's flashing red lights go on signalling that it's alarm will go off any second. As the alarm is about to go off a shoe is crashed over the robots head. The robot collapses. The person who did that is Chuck. >

Tom: Chuck?

Chuck: Oh hi Martins.

Bob: What the hell are you idiots doing here?

Julie: We got locked in. What are you doing here?

Robert: Going on a date with a manequin.

Bob: Oh be quiet Robbie. You see in Chuck's hand I'm taller than you are which means I'm bigger too.

Robert: No it doesn't.

Julie: Listen no matter how obnoxious Chuck and his dummy might be we must all work together to get out of the mall.

Chuck: I agree.

Tom: Great. Now Chuck what are you doing here?

Chuck: Well I came back today from my vacation away from Bob and he told me he needed more underwear. The next thing I knew we were locked up in here!

<Michael picks up a piece of the broken robot.>

Tom: Put that down!

Michael: Okay, okay! It's just I saw something written on it. The word Lexicon. It must be the companies name.

Bob: I'm glad you can read but how about you move!

Michael: You never know when that will be important.

Bob: Yes, I'm sure the million dollar question on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" will be what the robots company's name is.

Tom: There's the exit and no robot is patrolling! Let's go!!!

<The Martin family go through the door. Chuck follows them. The door slams on Bob's head. The Martins get to their car.>

Tom: You need a ride?

Chuck: Nope. We drove here. Well actually Bob drove us.

Robert: I'm sure he's a great driver.

Bob: Enough out of you smarty!

Tom: At least we can go home!

<The Martins drive off and attached to the car is one of those robots with its red light flashing.>

Martins House
<The family comes inside and see Alice sitting with Bryan and Tina.>

Julie: Hi Alice. What did we say about letting strangers in the house?

Alice: These are not strangers.

Tom: Then who are they?

Alice: You don't remember Bryan and Tina Partridge?

Tom: Should I?

Alice: They are my biological parents. They have medical proof.

<Julie and Tom look at each other....>


Is Alice really adopted? If she is, do Tom and Julie know that? Will the robots attack the Martins again? Where are the Martins going to go for vacation? Since Chuck was on vacation did he miss Bob? Did Bob miss Chuck? Did anyone miss Chuck and Bob? These questions and all the others from the last episode will be answered on the next episode of SOAP!