<Julie comes running to Tom.>
Tom: Julie what's the matter? Are you okay?
Julie: I'm fine. It's just a robot found me and its alarm almost went off!
Tom: Well I think you are fine with me.
Julie: I don't think so!!! Here's another robot!
<The robot comes up to them and it's light is flashing.>
Julie: I have an idea Tomas!
<Julie takes the marbles and rolls them on the ground. The robot slips and
falls. Its crashes its hard drive from the fall. Robert and Michael run up
to Tom and Julie scared.>
Michael: Look more robots are coming!!!!
<Robots are patrolling from store to store. A bigger robot comes up to the
Martin family and it's flashing red lights go on signalling that it's alarm
will go off any second. As the alarm is about to go off a shoe is crashed
over the robots head. The robot collapses. The person who did that is Chuck. >
Tom: Chuck?
Chuck: Oh hi Martins.
Bob: What the hell are you idiots doing here?
Julie: We got locked in. What are you doing here?
Robert: Going on a date with a manequin.
Bob: Oh be quiet Robbie. You see in Chuck's hand I'm taller than you are
which means I'm bigger too.
Robert: No it doesn't.
Julie: Listen no matter how obnoxious Chuck and his dummy might be we must
all work together to get out of the mall.
Chuck: I agree.
Tom: Great. Now Chuck what are you doing here?
Chuck: Well I came back today from my vacation away from Bob and he told me
he needed more underwear. The next thing I knew we were locked up in here!
<Michael picks up a piece of the broken robot.>
Tom: Put that down!
Michael: Okay, okay! It's just I saw something written on it. The word
Lexicon. It must be the companies name.
Bob: I'm glad you can read but how about you move!
Michael: You never know when that will be important.
Bob: Yes, I'm sure the million dollar question on "Who Wants to be a
Millionaire" will be what the robots company's name is.
Tom: There's the exit and no robot is patrolling! Let's go!!!
<The Martin family go through the door. Chuck follows them. The door slams
on Bob's head. The Martins get to their car.>
Tom: You need a ride?
Chuck: Nope. We drove here. Well actually Bob drove us.
Robert: I'm sure he's a great driver.
Bob: Enough out of you smarty!
Tom: At least we can go home!
<The Martins drive off and attached to the car is one of those robots with
its red light flashing.>