Narrator: We begin this episode the next morning after Chester and Jessica
got the phone call from Randolph.
<Jessica, Chester, Corinne, Maurice, Eunice, Dutch, Saunders, Benson, The
Major, Burt, Mary, Chuck, Bob, Tom and Julie are all sitting in chairs or
standing in the Tates living room.>
Chester: Me and Jessica have invited you here for a very important reason.
We couldn't tell you over the phone because the news isn't pleasant. It's
about Billy.
Corinne: What happened to him daddy?
Chester: Well before I go any farther. I must remind all of you about our
family history. Even though Corinne calls me and Jessica mom and dad we must
remember she's actually our niece. Her mother is Ingrid Svenson and her
father is Randolph Gatling. What most of you don't know or remember is that
Billy is also their child.
<Everyone acts all shocked.>
Chester: It isn't the nicest story to tell but Jessica and Mary's mother got
Ingrid deported the day after Billy was born. Corinne was 6 at the time and
doesn't seem to remember any of this. The next day after Randolph threatened
his mother, who let me remind you is also Jessica and Mary's, she got him
deported too for reporting to the government that he was illegally secretly
holding Ingrid with him. Me and Jessica got hold of Billy.
Burt: Why didn't Mary get Billy?
Chester: Well Mary wasn't up to having any more children at the time. Danny
and Jodie were both in elementary school when that happened and her house
couldn't hold any more children either.
Mary: And Johnny wasn't around often which we later learned was because he
was in the MOB.
Eunice: So what's happening to Billy, daddy?
Chester: We don't know. He's being held hostage by Randolph as we speak. He
escaped to America and said we can get Billy back if we get him a visa and
one other thing.
Tom: Then do it!
Chester: The other thing isn't all that easy.
Jessica: Well I think it is but Chester is having trouble doing it.
Chester: They want me to terminate a contract I signed about mine and
Jessica's marriage. I don't want to get into the details on that but if I
terminate the contract Jessica will divorce me.
Burt: Jessica make him sign it. You can do better than platypuss.
Jessica: Well thanks Burt.
Chester: I won't terminate it! This is my marriage we're talking about.
Tom: Do the right thing Chester.
Chester: Who are you to talk? Who even invited you?
Benson: I did Mr. Tate.
Chester: Who ever allowed you to use my telephone.
Benson: Your phone? This is not even your house!
Jessica: See Chester you are already making a scene the second you are back
in my house!
Burt: Mary I think we should go. I mean if Chester won't even try to save
Billy's life than I don't want him to even associate himself with Danny.
Mary: Bye Jessica. I hope he eventually comes to his senses.
Bob: Hah Hah Hah. You really got a moron with you Jessica. You should marry
me when you dump him.
<Chester looks at Bob as he walks out of the house with Mary and Burt.
Chester stares at Tom.>
Tom: What do you want?
Chester: Aren't you going to leave?
Tom: We will leave when we are asked to by Jessica.
Julie: That's right! And let's not forget that I saw you with another woman
when I was with Jessica at the restaurant.
Chester: I am done doing that Julie. And I think you should mind your own
business when it comes to my marriage.
Jessica: What marriage? I'm divorcing you the second you rip up the contract
so we can have Billy back.
Chester: I already said I won't rip it up.
<The telephone rings. Benson picks it up.>
Benson: It's for you Mr. Tate.
<Chester picks up the phone.>
Chester: Hello? .........
<Chester hangs up the telephone.>
Dutch: Who was that big guy?
Chester: It was Randolph. He said if he doesn't get what he wants by
midnight he will kill Billy.
<Corinne, Maurice, Tom, Julie, Eunice, Dutch, Benson, Saunders and Jessica
all look at Chester who feels very guilty right now.>