
Also Starring:
Tom Martin

Julie Martin

Alice Martin

Michael Martin

Robert Martin

Written By:
SOAP: The Alternate Reality Main Page

Episode 35

In the last episode of SOAP Billy came home safe because the Major actually ended up shooting his own father Randolph due his mind being confused. Alice Martin figured out her real parents were criminals so she called the police and had them arrested. Now we don't know where she's going to go and live. At the Campbells house Elaine told Jodie an idea to get rid of Mrs. David because she's never going to leave their house and Eunice found out that the Tates, Campbells and Martins have all won a Carribbean Cruise. Confused? You won't be after tonights episode of SOAP!!!!!
Campbells House
<Jodie, Danny, and Elaine are all sitting on the couch. Mary walks in.>

Mary: Have you all packed your bags? You know the Jet is leaving tonight for the cruise.

Danny: We know that!!!!! Do you really think we're that dumb?

Mary: Of course not!

Danny: Well one question? How does the jet turn into a ship?

Jodie: What are you talking about?

Danny: Well if we take a jet to the cruise, does the jet just land in water and all of the sudden turn into a boat?

Jodie: We land the jet and then take the boat.

Danny: Ohhhhhh. I understand now.

Elaine: We are working on common sense a lot now.

Jodie: I would hope so.

Mary: Well are all of you packed?

Danny: Yes.

Elaine: Yes.

Jodie: Yes and so is Wendy.

Mary: Just out of curiousity, is Mrs. David coming with?

Jodie: Yes......

Mary: How long is she staying with us?

Jodie: Forever.

Mary: No seriously.

Jodie: Seriously. She won't leave but Elaine has a plan. When we get on the jet we will convince Mrs. David that Chuck is so sick that Bob is actually in love with her.

Mary: And....

Elaine: We will tell Bob that Mrs. David has a crush on him. I think that if a doll makes the moves on a woman she will definately run the hell out of our household.

Mary: That's a wonderful idea!

<Burt comes in. He sees suitcases everywhere.>

Burt: Why are you all packed? Are we going somewhere?

Mary: A cruise. Tonight we are leaving. We won free tickets.

Burt: Why didn't anyone tell me?

Mary: Kids, can you please leave the room?

<Danny, Jodie and Elaine leave.>

Mary: Where have you been?

Burt: Out...

Mary: Where? You're not home at night and you sneak out through the window. I saw you do it last night.

Burt: Oh Mary.... have you been drinking?

Mary: Don't you dare play the crazy trick on me again Burt! What are you doing?

Burt: Well I didn't want to tell you but, I'm birdwatching.

Mary: What?

Burt: Yes, there are some endangered birds in Dunnesriver and its my job as Sheriff to watch them and make sure no one does them any harm. I've had to give a few tickets out you know.

Mary: Really?

Burt: Yes. It's a tough job but someone has to do it.

Mary: I see. Well I'm going to go call the Tates and tell them we're ready to leave whenever they are. Go and pack!

Burt: Okay Mar...

<Mary goes in the kitchen as Burt is still standing.>

Burt: What am I going to do? There's crime to solve and the rate of flying from the Carribbean to Conneticut is like 3 hours. The jet lag is horrible! I can't be at two places at once or else Mary will suspect something. Boy I wish the aliens could clone me now!

<Burt goes upstairs to pack and the camera goes inside the kitchen. Mary is on the phone.>

Mary: Hi, I was curious, my husband, Sheriff Campbell has other plans tonight, he won't be able to birdwatch. Can you find a replacement?

<The person on the phone is speaking to Mary.>

Mary: Oh you don't have a birdwatcher? Thanks.

<Mary hangs up the phone and looks angry.>

Mary: BURT! <Screaming so he can hear her.> Call the police station and tell them you will be away for a while. They will need to assign a new birdwatcher!

Burt: I'm away ahead of you Mary!

Mary: <Not screaming anymore.> I bet you are Burt....

Martins House
<Tom and Julie are packing. The kids are both sitting on the couch waiting for them to finish.>

Julie: Tom I think we've forgotten something?

Tom: No I brought the books in case you go into labor. Do you think it's a good idea to go on this vacation? You're not supposed to be flying Jules.

Julie: There will be a doctor on the flight and mine said I will be safe. Plus I'm not due for two months.

Tom: We may be staying on the cruise for two months. They never told us how long we were going to stay there.

Michael: Two months? I miss two months of school!!!!

Tom: We got you two tutors.

Robert: We hate you!

Michael: Yea! You ruined the vacation!

Tom: Then we're even for all the times the bickering between you two have ruined mine and Julies!

Julie: Alice!

Tom: What about her? We can't worry about her.

Julie: Look, she's coming up the driveway!

Tom: What's she doing here? I thought she hated us!

<The doorbell rings and Tom lets Alice in. Everyone stares at her.>

Alice: Hi mom, hi dad <looks at her brothers.> hi pukefaces.

Tom: What made you decide to come back?

Alice: I learned that your true parents aren't always by blood, they are the ones who care about you the most!

<Julie and Tom hug Alice.>

Tom: Well honey please go upstairs and pack your bags. We are going on a cruise.

Alice: Okay!

<Alice walks upstairs.>

Alice: Also, I came back because I got so bored of robbing banks with my real parents!

Jessica's Bedroom
<Jessica is packing for the vacation as Chester walks in. Jessica pauses as does Chester.>

Chester: Am I allowed in here?

Jessica: As long as you stay fifteen feet away from me.

Chester: I hear you won a cruise. You've been on a winning luck lately haven't you?

Jessica: Well I certainly haven't won a man lately.

Chester: That's because you haven't given anyone a chance.

Jessica: Chester I don't want to go through with you how many chances you have been given but since I'm in such a joyous mood, I'm going to do something that I know I will eventually regret. Chester, would you like to come with us on our cruise.

Chester: I would love to!

Jessica: Then start packing. I hope you enjoy this vacation, I know that I will.

Chester: I enjoy being anywhere you are Jessica......

<Chester leaves smiling as Jessica starts packing looking up smiling too. The camera shows the closing credits of the episode.>

Will Elaine's plan work to get rid of Mrs. David? Will she jump overboard on the cruise? Will Mary discover Burt's secret on board or will she be too sea sick to have the energy to figure it out? Now that Alice has returned, what other dysfunctional incident will occur with the Martins? And have Jessica and Chester reconciled? These questions and many others may be answered when SOAP goes Carribean Style next time!